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Welcome to Fairlea Online

Fairlea Online is an innovative company focusing on IT, CCTV, Access Control and Security solutions that enables you to concentrate on your core business and not the technology running it. Having a stable infrastructure and the backup and support of your IT provider is key to any successful business. By providing consistent backup and restore solutions, seamless cloud based telephone integration, monitored networks with patch management, industry compliant mail systems, access control, CCTV and industry knowledge we enable our clients to grow with confidence. 

We Partner with the best

Having worked with many vendors over the years Fairlea Online has skilfully chosen a select group of best-of-breed providers who excel in their field of expertise. This ensures we understand each and every product we install, support and manage on your behalf. In fact, we use all our vendors in our own network, if something doesn’t work well for us we know it won't work for our clients.